Im trying to start up a business and all credit reports three Baton Rouge I need is a credit reports three Baton Rouge $ 10k business credit card.
But I have a bad credit rating and so far lenders insist I must have a strong co-signer.
But I cant get anyone to do this for me (long story) Any suggestions? In answer to the first responder, its a self-employed business. Its a long story but my personal financial mess is a combination of the high tech collapse (credit reports three Baton Rouge Im an engineer) that has gone on 6 years, 3.5 credit reports three Baton Rouge years unemployed for myself. I finally made a bold move to get around the medical condition so I can start my own business, now credit reports three Baton Rouge all that is stopping me is a co-signer. one free credit report per year I agree, its not an enviable position but I have no other choice. Is there any way to get a credit card without a co-signer when you have a bad credit rating? No one else wants to stick their neck out (co-signing) to cover your debts after you have shown little ability to handle your own affairs. They will be 100% financially responsible if you default on your debts and they know it. Operating a business is like operating your own financial affairs on steriods. fcra free credit report Who in their right mind would start a business on credit card with up to 32% anual interest?
That is a credit reports three Baton Rouge very large nut to crack on top of paying for employees,your wages, materials, rent,phone and lights.
Tell me what kind of business you are going into that has a 32% profit after all expenses and I will start one in a credit reports three Baton Rouge heartbeat (as long as it is legal to do so) Maybe you had better sit down and work out a business financial plan then work towards fulfilling it and obtaining the capital you need by working and saving the start-up funds then someone might be willing to listen to your business idea. actual free credit report If you dont believe in yourself then others will not believe any differently. Response to additional credit reports three Baton Rouge details: The most probable way you will get a card is with that much money in their account.
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