Try to keep your overall utilization ratio -- and how to obtain free credit report Augusta the ratios on individual cards or lines of credit -- below 30 percent. Although it usually it how to obtain free credit report Augusta makes sense to pay down credit accounts with higher interest rates first, if you've tapped more than 30 percent of available credit on a particular card, bringing that percentage down first may help boost your score more quickly. Timing is critical. Even if you pay off your balance each month, showing a high utilization ratio at any time during the month could conceivably hurt your score if the statement balance is elevated when it gets reported to the credit bureaus. This is especially problematic for people whose credit limits were lowered after the recession began. A few suggestions:
- Spread purchases among multiple cards to keep individual balances lower -- while still paying off as much as you can each month, of course.
Make an extra payment midway through the billing cycle so your reported how to obtain free credit report Augusta outstanding balance appears lower. secure free credit report
Ask lenders to reinstate higher limits if your payment history has been solid -- but don't tap how to obtain free credit report Augusta the extra credit just because it's there.
- Make sure that credit limits on individual cards reported to credit bureaus are accurate. Don't automatically close older, unused accounts; 15 percent of your score is based on credit history. In fact, make occasional small charges on existing accounts (paying them off, of course) to make sure the lender doesn't close them out. Each time you open a new account there's a slight impact on your score, so avoid doing so in the months before a major purchase like a home or car. Pay off medical bills, as well as parking, traffic or library fines.
Once old, unpaid bills go into collections, they can how to obtain free credit report Augusta cause major damage to your credit.
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